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Virtual communication can cause a deceptive sense of comfort and safety, and we are bound to warn you about how important it is - how to get to know each other, before finally trusting. The unique System of Selection of Teamo.

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It is very important that you take the time for dates before you open each other on a closer level. And the more you learn about each other before the beginning of a relationship, the easier it will be to avoid unpleasant surprises.

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So take time to communicate in reality. Spend your first date safely and successfully. Meeting with a new person is always exciting. Spend time cheerfully and find out how you match each other, but do not let dreams outshine your mind. Carefully choose the time and place of your date. Agree to meet in the daytime, when there are many people around, in a place that is familiar to both of you.

Especially good for a first date is a lunch break. Limit alcohol consumption or completely abandon it until you know the person properly. Use your own or public transport, even if you are traveling to a person who lives far away from you. Never agree to be picked up. Tell about your plans to at least to one family member or friend, and also let them know when you will be back.

Get in touch with them after the first few meetings.

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Do not forget to bring your phone with all the necessary numbers. Do not leave the house without things that will help to identify your identity. Do not forget your documents, rights, and also a mobile phone. It is not necessary to meet at your house or at house of your new friend. And in general, do not tell your address until you are completely confident in the new person.

Be ready for spending.

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For women - just in case, and for men - because meal and entertainment is usually paid by a man. Do not go home with the person you just met. Even you think he or she is ideal - you did not have enough time to learn it. Report your suspicions to us.

Employees of the Support Service Teamo. If someone from your interlocutors is suspicious, do not hesitate and contact our support service so that we can take appropriate action. We sincerely hope that our tips will help you to get everything you want from meeting on Teamo.

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Sincerely yours, Customer Support Teamo. When you use this site, we automatically receive some data your IP address, cookies. We use this data to personalize materials, configure and measure advertising metrics, to ensure the security of the site and its users. By continuing to use the site or clicking the button, you consent to the receipt of information using cookies and other information above.

This information will be processed in accordance with our Regulations for the protection of personal details.

Teamo.ru helps to create strong, harmonious relationships

Below are some tips that you should pay attention to when 1. Be vigilant Employees of the Support Service of Teamo. NEVER disclose financial or any other personal information NEVER disclose your bank card or account number; NEVER show your passport number, insurance policy, maiden name or any other personal information that can be used to access your financial and personal information; NEVER send money to the person you met on the network, especially by electronic transfer.

Проверить на соответствие критериям энциклопедичности. Возможно, содержание этой статьи или раздела представляет собой произвольный набор слабо связанных фактов, инструкцию , каталог или малозначимую информацию новостного характера. Пожалуйста, улучшите её в соответствии с правилами написания статей. На странице обсуждения могут быть подробности.

Теамо.ру — Википедия

Источник — https: Сайты по алфавиту Сайты, появившиеся в году Сайты знакомств. Скрытые категории: Статьи с некорректным использованием шаблонов: Cite web не указан язык Википедия: Статьи с переопределением значения из Викиданных Википедия: Статьи без изображений тип: Статьи по алфавиту ПРО: Последняя правка: Нет источников с января Википедия: Статьи без источников тип: Статьи с утверждениями без источников более 14 дней Википедия: Статьи с неэнциклопедическим содержанием. Пространства имён Статья Обсуждение. На других языках Добавить ссылки.